
shout out…
March 31, 2010, 7:57 pm
Filed under: posted by deluxe...

my friend marcus shoots photos for a living… his new blog the forrest and the trees gives a nice insight into some of his work outside of the commercial realm… so far i’m really liking his photos and judging by the latest uploads i reckon they will only get better…  just wanted to send a shout out… marcus enno i love you x

gents... shot by marcus enno

untitled... shot by marcus enno

beard patrol... marcus enno

the fear in rio….
March 29, 2010, 3:04 pm
Filed under: posted by deluxe...

feeling the fear in rio… ahhh rio de janeiro… never have i been to a city that uncovers such a range of emotions… from its rich beach culture… to the bohemian… football… samba… and the favelas that define the spatial context… this city demands your respect and forces you to reconsider your values and most importantly your place in this world… and if you treat her right i promise you will be rewarded… last friday i feel in love with rio…  rio de janeiro prazer x

rio a view from above...


catedral metropolitana...

rio on the otherside...

all photos shot by deluxe…

food glorious food…
March 14, 2010, 6:59 am
Filed under: posted by deluxe...

ok so those who know me well know that i love my food… but i also like to balance the fact not only can i eat healthily (enough) when i’m chilling at home but also when i’m roaming the streets pulling tricks as i so often do… but thus far my experience in the ole united states of amercia (or hanging with ‘uncle sam’ as it is sometimes affectionately known) is that opting for a healthier option is sometimes more difficult than one might expect (see below)…

the world famous kentucky fired chicken double down… otherwise known as the chicken on chicken burger… image courtesy of kfc

so i’m pretty pleased to hear that in a land were the unhealthy seems to be the easiest option… finally the american beverage association is working with schools to… remove full-calorie soft drinks from schools  (ninety five percent reduction in shipments of full-calorie soft drinks to schools)… cut calories available from beverages in schools (eighty eight percent decrease in total calories contained in all beverages shipped to schools)… and provide for a range of lower-calorie, nutritious, smaller-portion beverage options… promoting a shift to waters, portion-controlled sports drinks, diet drinks and one hundred percent juices (in line with the school beverage guidelines)… although to us in the merry old land of aus this might not seem like much, trust me every little bit helps…

this is important stuff… in my option a healthy world breeds a smarter world… if people feel healthy the emphasis can shift to promoting a healthy and sustainable environment… just a thought…which reminds me i really need to go for that run…

one of my good buddies is working closely with schools on such great initiatives as the walking school bus and making sure that kids learn early-on the value of nutrition and a healthy start to the day (how many of us regularly miss brekkie this days hey!?!)… and most importantly the value of stopping to smell the roses… cause walking is so so so great…  awesome stuff so just giving credit where credit is due…

just thought i’d throw that out there… some words taken from the american beverage association… luv x

into the unknown….
March 12, 2010, 11:56 pm
Filed under: posted by deluxe...

taking those first steps is always the most exciting part… into the unknown… that’s what make the city so much fun… so much to see… so much to do… eyes to the floor so as not cross the crazies in the street… that sense of adrenalin… and today splashing around in the rain…. welcome to san francisco… i think my mum sums it up nicely (sent via text)… “hi nicolita walking in san fc dont forget to put flowers in your hair hippie! luv to know u r enjoing d trip is still big d size of food they serve love u :)”… i love my mum and so far i am absolutely in love with sfo (even in the rain)… ill let massan do the rest of the talking… killin it SF style care of macaframa… … oh and check out the GPS graf below… pretty nice xx

with the aid of a GPS graphic designer vicente montelongo has created a series of bike trails in the city shaped like videogame heroes of yore... maps of his GPS videogame trips can be found at on the web at

saying goodbye…
March 10, 2010, 2:38 pm
Filed under: posted by deluxe...

today we said goodbye to a dear member of our family… just wanted to pay tribute to him… rest in peace walty you will be missed x

rest in peace walty... 9.6.1995 - 10.3.2010...

things that make me smile….
March 5, 2010, 1:12 am
Filed under: posted by deluxe...

i am so in love with this website… i could stare at it for hours on end… nikki farquharson began random got beautiful in march 2007… the concept is to take photos containing dominant colours out of their original context and place them together to create a new one… i hope you enjoy x

Yellow - M.Morley ... taken from Random Got Beautiful

welcome to the world of reverse graffiti…
March 4, 2010, 12:00 am
Filed under: posted by deluxe...

ok so i’m sure many of you have seen this before but i feel like i need to give it some more space… welcome to the world of reverse graffiti, where the artist’s weapons are cleaning materials and where the enemy is the elements: wind, rain, pollution and decay…  reverse graf sends a message that sadly as we continue to destroy our surroundings… our environment… our health… our future… this might be the only way left to find beauty in this world… written in the smog that surrounds us… 

Etching skulls on the side of the tunnel with nothing but water and a cloth.... Alexandre Orion – Skulls in Sao Paolo


words and wisdom taken from environmental graffiti… born in may 2007, environmental graffiti is an eclectic mix of the most bizarre, funny and interesting environmental news on the planet…